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Trout Creek Boulders - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND

Northwest quarry
Argillite stone
These are water feature bubbler / fountain Trout Creek boulders, a hugely popular building stone in the early 2000's and through the building boom, it fell victim to the hard times afterwards. The quarry had limited production for years but recently is back in good production. With new ownership and updated equipment this hugely popular stone is available in many cuts and sizes. The new run includes amazing fountain boulders, unlike anything ever seen before. Trout Creek Stone is a rock with a potpourri colors, brought out in a beautiful unpredictable earthen tones, the colors are primarily browns, tans, hints of green, hints of purple, hints of orange.

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Trout Creek Wall Boulders 12" - 18" - Landscaping Rock Trout Creek Boulders 12" - 18" Per Pound

Northwest quarry produces a wide range of large boulders. Materials are shipped bulked throughout U.S.A and California anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price Per Pound $0.38 Northwest Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $0.19
Savings: $0.19
Trout Creek Boulders 24" - 30" - Landscaping Rock Trout Creek Boulders 24" - 30" Per Pound

Northwest quarry produces a wide range of large boulders. Materials are shipped bulked throughout U.S.A and California anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price Per Pound $0.38 Northwest Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $0.19
Savings: $0.19
Trout Creek Boulders 30" - 36" - Landscaping Rock Trout Creek Boulders 30" - 36" Per Pound

Northwest quarry produces a wide range of large boulders. Materials are shipped bulked throughout U.S.A and California anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price Per Pound $0.38 Northwest Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $0.19
Savings: $0.19
Trout Creek Boulders 30" - 36" - Landscaping Rock Trout Creek Boulders 36" - 48" Per Ton

Northwest quarry produces a wide range of large boulders. Materials are shipped bulked throughout U.S.A and California anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price Per Pound $0.38 Northwest Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $0.19
Savings: $0.19
Trout Creek Boulders Specimens - Landscaping Rock Trout Creek Boulders Specimens

Northwest quarry produces a wide range of large boulders. Materials are shipped bulked throughout U.S.A and California anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Price Per Each $1,299.99 Northwest Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $1,199.99
Savings: $100.00
Trout Creek Boulders